Announcing the ZE-Gen Circularity Challenge Finalists: Transforming Nigeria’s Generator Landscape

Three finalists have been selected for the ZE-Gen Circularity Challenge – aiming to accelerate the circularity of end-of-life and second-hand fossil fuel generators in Nigeria. The ZE-Gen Circularity Challenge received 16 applications. After careful evaluation, the top 5 projects underwent review by an all-Nigerian independent panel consisting of judges from the African Circular Economy Network, All On, Manufacturing Africa, and Integrate to Zero. The three finalists selected to conduct a three-month feasibility study are:

  • KAMIM Technologies + Youth Sustainable Development Network – “The CoolCycle Project”: This innovative initiative aims to repurpose discarded generator metal casings into energy-efficient solar-powered cooling systems, addressing both excessive generator waste and the lack of affordable cooling solutions in underserved Nigerian communities. The primary end product is a locally designed cooling system constructed from repurposed generator parts.
  • Nevadic Solar – “Project Re-imagine”: Nevadic Solar plans to conduct a feasibility study on reconfiguring end-of-life petrol/diesel generators into prime movers (PRPMs) that can be used in various applications, including driving commercial farming irrigation pumps and other motive equipment in rural Nigerian communities. The project’s goal is to have a wide positive socio-economic impact.
  • Husk Power Energy Systems Nigeria – This project seeks to repurpose redundant fossil fuel generators into water pumps for irrigation, aiming to improve climate-resilient and socially inclusive agrarian livelihoods across Nigeria. The feasibility study will focus on viable rural communities with potential for mini-grid deployment and fossil fuel generator displacement.

Following the feasibility stage, the ultimate winner will be awarded USD $50,000 to bring their transformative solution to life. The challenge is part of the Zero Emission Generators Initiative (ZE-Gen), a collaborative effort by the Carbon Trust and Innovate UK, supported by the IKEA Foundation and UK aid through the Transforming Energy Access platform. The Climate Emergency Collaboration Group has contributed to funding the ZE-Gen Circularity Challenge as part of its work to support the Energy Transition Council. The Carbon Trust, in partnership with Integrate to Zero, has launched the Challenge to investigate innovative solutions that could accelerate the circular economy for end-of-life and second-hand fossil fuel generators as a way to scale renewable energy systems, which are often held back by continued genset usage.