Green Genset Facility

The Green Genset Facility is a funding instrument that provides financing to solar generator distributors, particularly MSMEs (Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), to support them in overcoming the barriers they face in accessing traditional funding. This enables distributors to purchase inventory, increasing customer adoption and market growth for solar generators.

Green Offset Facility logo

ZE-Gen is collaborating with the Green Genset Facility (GGF) – a spin-off from the Access to Energy Institute. ZE-Gen is investing £250,000 into the GGF to support unlocking the market for solar-powered generators, alongside existing funders BGFA, DOEN Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, IKEA Foundation, NEFCO, Open Capital, and Sida.

The GGF aims to make it simple and transparent for distributors to buy solar-powered generators, accelerating a move away from fossil fuel alternatives. The facility, supported by Open Capital Advisors, will address the lack of accessible and affordable working capital — seen as the biggest obstacle that distributors face in procuring solar generators from suppliers. The facility will make it easier to buy stock to serve customers and grow distributors’ businesses, to improve livelihoods and reduce emissions and pollution in Africa.

Green genset facility generators in workshop